At this stage, the list of “participants” reflects people that are connected in some way with the conference. Once registrations start, it will correspond more correctly with actual participants.
Choose start of surname:
Ál Ag Ai Al Am An Ar As Aw Ba Be Bi Bl Bo Br Bu Ca Ch Cl CoCr Cu D Da De Di Do Du Dy Ec Ed Ei El En Er Es Ev Fa Fe Fi
Fl Fo Fr Fu Ga Ge Gi Go Gr Gu Ha He Ho Hu Hw In Is Iw Ja Ji
Jo Ju Ka Ke Ki Kl Ko Kr Ku La Le Li Lo Ly Ma Mb Mc Me Mi Mo
Mp Mu Na Nd Ne Ng Ni Nk No O Oe Og Ok Ol Or Ot Ov Pa Pe Pf
Ph Pi Po Pr Pu Qu Ra Re Ri Ro Ru Ry Sa Sc Se Sh Si Sm So Sp
St Sw Ta Te Th Ti To Tr Ty Um Us Ut Va Ve Vi Vo Wa We Wh Wi
Wr Xi Ya Yo Yu Za Ze Zh Zi
Others in this part of the alphabet:
Deborah NolanJennifer Noll
Name: | Delia North |
Country: | South Africa |
Email: | northd@ukzn.ac.za |
Webpage: | |
Affiliation: | University of KwaZulu-Natal |
Convenor for: | Topic 3 |
Invited paper: | 10A2 (Mon 16:15) |
Co-author: | 1D2 (Fri 13:45) |
Chairing: | SessionC16B (Fri 10:55) |
Registered participant |