
Proceedings Editor:
  • Chris Reading – University of New England, Australia

Published by:
  • International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)
  • International Statistical Institute (ISI)

ISBN: 978-90-77713-54-9

Conference organized by:
  • International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)
  • Slovenia Statistical Society (SSS)
under the auspices of the ISI

ICOTS-8 Conference Proceedings

Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

Welcome to the collection of papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Here you will find over 310 papers by authors from over 50 countries on a wide range of topics of interest to people involved in teaching statistics or carrying out research into statistics teaching and learning. We hope that you find this collection to be helpful.

  • Contents
    A list of all papers under Plenary, Topic and
    Contributed sessions, together with poster summaries
  • Searching
    How to locate the paper or poster you are looking for