(Sunday 11th, 15:00-17:00)

Fathom and TinkerPlots workshop



Participate in a hands-on introduction to Fathom and TinkerPlots led by Cliff Konold, Bill Finzer, Tim Erickson, and Vishakha Parvate, the designers and developers of these two dynamic data exploration software environments. Fathom is widely used in mathematics, statistics, and science classes from grades 8 through 14 while TinkerPlots is widely used from grade 5 to grade 8. You¹ll emerge from the workshop knowing enough to get you going with both software tools and an understanding of the excitement they bring to learning with and about data analysis.

Please bring a fully charged laptop computer if possible.

This workshop will be limited to 30 people, and will cost €15. It will be held in room M4 at the Convention Centre.

Contact: Vishakha Parvate (vparvate@kcptech.com), Research and Project Manager, KCP Technologies.