This paper is from Session 9G: Effective online educational materials
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which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Thursday 15th, 11:00-12:30)

Improving lectures with CAST applets



Most statistical concepts and methods can be explained and illustrated using diagrams and in most places where a diagram might be used, a dynamic diagram is more effective than a static one. A few such diagrams per lecture quickly build to hundreds in an introductory statistics course. The collection of CAST applets for lectures contains over 400 including simulations to demonstrate the properties of sampling distributions and inference and many others that are uniquely designed to illustrate individual statistical concepts. Use of these diagrams helps to explain statistical ideas and methods, demonstrates calculations, breaks up the reading of static slides and adds some entertainment value. The paper also discusses the differences between applets designed for selfstudy and for use by a lecturer in both large and small classes.