This paper is from Session 9A: New paradigms in teaching statistics through technology
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which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

Learning from the statistician’s lab notebook


  • Deborah Nolan (University of California at Berkeley, United States)



An essential component of statistics education is to provide first-hand experience with applications of statistics where students learn how to analyze data in the context of addressing a scientific question. The approach we present brings the work of statistics researchers and data analysts to the community of educators so that they can utilize their expertise, data, problems, and solutions in teaching statistics. We hope to accomplish this sharing of ideas and materials through a new type of “document”, an electronic lab notebook that captures the research process and acts as a database of the statistician’s activities and analysis. These documents can be explored in rich new ways: they can have interactive controls that allow students to modify computations, they can be projected into different views for different audiences, and they can contain different branches of analysis for exploration.