This paper is from Session 8I: Research into learning statistics in vocational educational and training
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

Improving process improvement in industry by using alternative representations of process capability indices in computer tools




In manufacturing industry, many employees need to interpret and communicate statistical information to monitor and improve production processes. We investigated by means of interviews and observation in car factories how “process capability indices” were used and trained. We found that typical training about process improvement deployed statistical and algebraic symbolism as well as laborious manual calculations that did not appear to support employees’ understanding of the underlying mathematical relationships. The goal of our subsequent design-based research was to design a representation of the process capability indices that would be easier to engage with than the existing formal symbolism used in shop floor calculations and in training. We evaluated the computer tools and interventions with several groups of trainees, and assessed the impact of the computer tools on practice, which showed that the tools indeed facilitated communication among employees.