This paper is from Session 8F: Research methodologies in statistics education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 11:00-12:30)

Multilevel modeling of educational interventions: educational theory and statistical consequences



In this paper issues of educational context are described. The implications of these issues for the design of educational research are then articulated. These context variables (e.g., that students are instructed in clusters, and that teachers require ongoing training to support and implement new and innovative curricula) are then used as a lens to examine the ASA’s 2007 report Using Statistics Effectively in Mathematics Education. A meta-model is offered to better address some of these concerns of educational context not fully articulated in the ASA report. The goal of the paper is to: (1) describe the component parts of this meta- model, and (2) generate the opportunity for richer conversation about the role and value of experimental statistics in education research.