This paper is from Session 8D: Research on technology in statistics education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

Developing students’ computer-supported simulation and modelling competencies by means of carefully designed working environments




The GESIM material, developed in our research group, contains learning units with teacher guides for the first 4 weeks of a probability and statistics course at upper secondary school (age 17-18). The learning of subject matter is linked to the acquirement of simulation competencies and the acquisition of skills in handling the dynamic software FATHOM. We emphasize simulation, law of large numbers and the role of sample size and develop knowledge about distribution from the beginning. We use a “simulation scheme” for guiding students’ modelling and simulation activities. We videotaped the work of about 20 pairs of students working on simulation problems and we will present results of our analyses concerning the solution process and the resulting knowledge. Moreover, we will present data on students’ competencies, which were measured by means of tests and by analyzing their written and their computer work.