This paper is from Session 8C: Making sense of risk
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Workshop: Tools for exploring ideas about risk


  • Cliff Konold (University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States)
  • Dave Pratt (University of London, United Kingdom)


There is an argument that the public has a poor understanding of risk which impacts negatively on everyday choices and which may even explain in part the current world financial crisis. Statistical education has a responsibility to address perceptions of risk through the development of new pedagogic approaches. Two projects are developing digital tools with potential to shed light on what such a pedagogy might look like. First, Cliff Konold will engage delegates in recent developments in TinkerPlots that enable students to build and run probabilistic models of risk-based situations. Second, Dave Pratt will offer tools to model specific risk-based scenarios as developed within a Wellcome-funded project to explore mathematics and science teachers’ knowledge about risk. This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore these tools and to discuss more widely opportunities for impact on the public understanding of risk.