This paper is from Session 8B: Research on developing students’ statistical reasoning at secondary and tertiary levels
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

Students’ statistical reasoning about distribution across grade levels: a look from middle school through graduate school




This paper provides a synthesis of the findings from three studies that investigated students’ statistical reasoning about distributions of data and sampling distributions. Each study presented some of the same open-ended statistical tasks to students from different populations: middle school, high school, undergraduate or graduate students. The authors observed that students across all grade levels experienced difficulty in coordinating multiple aspects of a distribution. We will discuss two of the significant obstacles observed: lack of proportional reasoning skills when comparing different distributions, and difficulties in managing the natural tension between sampling variability and sample representativeness. Our research findings suggest that students throughout the grade levels need more opportunities to reason about empirical sampling distributions.