This paper is from Session 7D: Statistics education for engineering
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 7: Statistics education and the wider society

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

Using directed online tutorials for teaching engineering statistics



Since 2006, an internet based tutorial system for service courses in applied statistics has been under development. The motivation has been to provide students with relevant contexts according to discipline area (courses are multi-disciplinary), direction in modeling and analysis of data and interpretation of results, and individual data sets to assist them to see the random nature of data more clearly. Students obtain all information online, and complete their analyses and online reports in a tutorial setting with access to a tutor. As tutors need to correct different results and consequent discussion, they correct online and so cope with different numerical answers and interpretations of results. A description of the current version of the system will be given. A discussion of student responses for the tutorials will be discussed, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the system. Future directions will be covered briefly.