This paper is from Session 7D: Statistics education for engineering
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which comes under Topic 7: Statistics education and the wider society

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

Statistics for the working engineer — bridging theory and reality using simulation



Engineers study and use mathematics during all years of training. However, the mathematics is regarded as formulas that produces a certain result given some input. But in statistics we often talk about the mathematics as models.

As children the engineers used models of different kinds – many toys were models of real things. Also, they tried their models by twisting, turning, tearing, pressing, tasting (!), assemblying, destroying, etc, as a kind of test of sensitivity and usefulness and to learn more about the model.

When learning statistics the engineers also study models – including how to add them into larger structures by linear or non-linear combinations using often complicated mathematical theories, all with a touch of randomness. An extremely efficient way to understand what goes on, how different parameter settings influence the result, is by performing simulations. When explaning the results to colleagues, a simulation is an invaluable possibility.