This paper is from Session 7D: Statistics education for engineering
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 7: Statistics education and the wider society

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

Individualised learning for engineers — combining face-to-face teaching with non-linear web learning



How do we meet the challenge of engineering students having different levels and different learning styles? How do we make mathematics and statistics more inspiring? Our approach is to combine face-to-face learning with e-learning. We have developed a prototype for a new kind of elearning called HEROS (Higher Education Re-usable Objects in Statistics): a non-linear learning object based learning system. Non-linear learning means that the students themselves can design– part of the course–by selecting different learning materials and use them in the order they like. Our learning materials include: an interactive “book”, assignments with interactive hints, videos, podcasts, games etc. So far we have developed a continuing education course in basic statistics and right now we are developing a university course in basic engineering mathematic –both based on the principle in HEROS combined with face-to-face learning.