This paper is from Session 6G: Preparing for the world of work: lessons for statistics education from beyond the field
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which comes under Topic 6: Statistics education, training and the workplace

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Statistical training for non-statistical staff at the Office for National Statistics



Within the Office for National Statistics there is a high percentage of operational delivery staff involved in the day to day production of statistics who, although competent within their specific roles, have limited understanding of statistical concepts or the wider statistical process. The challenge facing ONS’s statistical training unit has been to develop a course that, without placing too much emphasis on technical methods, will enable staff to take a more statistical approach to their work, which should result in greater job satisfaction. A ‘statistics for non-statistical staff’ course was developed and this paper will set out the challenges faced when designing this course and will explain how these challenges were overcome.