This paper is from Session 6F: Service learning and statistics: integrating statistics education into the workplace
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which comes under Topic 6: Statistics education, training and the workplace

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

STATCOM @ UHASSELT: yet another benefit for all parties



Many statistical research centers have developed a strong activity with respect to scientific collaborations with external parties. Specifically within universities besides statistical research and education the interaction with either pharmaceutical or governmental third parties has generated an enormous network with industrial partners and other academic institutions. Within Hasselt University, the Center for Statistics organizes an international Master of Statistics. Several efforts have been made to incorporate collaborating with non-statisticians into our program. This manuscript therefore focuses on (1) how a statistical training program should also contain training in consultancy skills, as well as on (2) how consultants in a university framework can play a role in training researchers. Furthermore this paper will sketch a possible optimal combination of all above mentioned aspects together with the StatCom society in order to ‘involve’ students in consultancy projects and teach them how to participate in an interdisciplinary working environment.