This paper is from Session 6C: Statistics training for researchers in other disciplines
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 6: Statistics education, training and the workplace

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

Statistics for postgraduates and researchers in other disciplines: case studies and lessons learned



Postgraduates and researchers in many disciplines use advanced statistics procedures. Statistics backgrounds often extend to at most an introductory course on statistical methods. Effective ways of providing training in these advanced procedures must be found. Emphasizing content, prerequisites and target groups, a summary of specialized courses offered at this level over the last two years and advertised internationally is presented. Then local four day intensive workshops on advanced topics for ecologists are described. These workshops draw on research contexts familiar to participants and use appropriate software. Menu driven packages or self written programs may be used. Participants in the workshops can bring their own data or data are chosen from their discipline. The teacher is introduced to the researchers which may result in future collaboration. Student evaluations of the workshops are reported leading to recommendations for further training.