This paper is from Session 6A: Environmental statistics
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 6: Statistics education, training and the workplace

(Monday 12th, 16:30-18:00)

Statistics education in a conservation organisation — towards evidence based management



The Department of Conservation manages 30 percent of New Zealand, protecting biodiversity and promoting recreation. Our 1800-plus staff include several hundred science graduates. DOC's first dedicated statistician started in 2000, with improving design and analysis skills as first priority. Many staff require basic skills in data entry and exploration. Some need specialist statistical knowledge, especially modelling skills. Most data is observational in nature, with interest centring on estimation of effects (and their error). However most graduates’ training focused on experiments and hypothesis tests. We developed a course to broaden knowledge of the linear model, and extend it to glms; then added one on longitudinal data analysis using mixed models. The next priority is training in practical sampling design. For our purposes, a stronger statistical modelling approach is needed in university training, with less emphasis on hypothesis tests.