This paper is from Session 4C: Methods for ordinal data analysis
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Friday 16th, 11:00-12:30)

Fitting transition models to longitudinal ordinal response data using available software



In many areas of medical and social research, there has been an increasing use of repeated ordinal categorical response data in longitudinal studies. Many methods are available to analyze complete and incomplete longitudinal ordinal responses. In this paper a general transition model is presented for analyzing complete and incomplete longitudinal ordinal responses. How one may obtain Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimates for the transition probabilities by existing software is also illustrated. The approach is implemented on a real application. For this data set, two important results are underlined: (1) some transition probabilities may be estimated to be zero and (2) the model for current response, which conditions on previous response may reduce the effects of some covariates that had previously been strongly significant.