This paper is from Session 4C: Methods for ordinal data analysis
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Friday 16th, 11:00-12:30)

Teaching: a way of implementing novel statistical methods for ordinal data to researchers



The use of questionnaires, rating scales and other kinds of ordered classifications is unlimited and inter-disciplinary, so it can take long time before novel statistical methods presented in statistical journals reach researchers of applied sciences. Therefore, teaching is an effective way of introducing novel methods to researchers at an early stage. Assessments on scales produce ordinal data having rank-invariant properties only, which means that suitable statistical methods are nonparametric and often rank-based. These limited mathematical properties have been taken into account in my research regarding development of statistical methods for paired ordinal data. The aim is to present a statistical method for paired ordinal data that has been successfully implemented to researchers from various disciplines together with statisticians attending interactive problem solving courses of biostatistics.