This paper is from Session 3E: Learning to teach data-based statistics at school and tertiary level
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

Towards evaluation criteria for coherence of a data-based statistics curriculum




As coherence is one of the objectives of a new data-based statistics curriculum for grades 10-11 (age 15-17) in the Netherlands, this paper explores the notion of curriculum coherence. Although policy-makers and educators around the world look for more coherent curricula, it is often not clear what this actually means. This paper works towards an operational definition of a coherent statistics curriculum by analyzing the results of interviews and email discussions with national and international experts on statistics education who were asked for their opinions on what constitutes a coherent statistics curriculum. The results are a first step towards evaluation criteria for coherence of the three common representations of a curriculum: the intended, implemented and attained curriculum.