This paper is from Session 3C: The impact of technology on learning to teach statistics
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

An attempt to reconcile teaching content, pedagogy, and software in an online course for teachers



This paper describes the issues confronting the development of an online course with the goal of improving teachers’ ability to use Fathom software in teaching statistics. Three important questions underly course development. Firstly, given the huge range of participants prior experience and statistical understanding, what is the proper balance of focus on technology, statistical concepts, and pedagogy? Secondly, to what extent should the course develop mastery of Fathom’s powerful simulation techniques as opposed to clarity in how to make effective use of simulation for student learning? Finally, given participants’ widely varying teaching styles, how can the course engage participants in meaningful and useful discussions of how to integrate use of Fathom into their classrooms?