This paper is from Session 2C: Statistical education at the Secondary/Higher Education interface
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which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level

(Thursday 15th, 11:00-12:30)

Approaches to extra-curricular statistics support for non-statistics UG and PG: facilitating the transition to Higher Education


  • Lu Zou (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)



To address the growing diversity of ability and skills of the student intake the University of Sheffield has set up the Maths and Statistics Help Centre to provide extra-curricular support to help students make the transition to Higher Education. The provision of maths support has been around since the early 90’s and has developed into a sophisticated and valued means of addressing mathematical diversity. In contrast statistics support is new in its development and is being seen as a subject in its own right rather than as part of mathematics. This paper will provide the university’s attempt at enhancing statistics support. First it will review current provision of statistics support and consider feedback received, secondly it will draw up a plan for developing the support to better fit the need. Another element of this study is to examine how the effectiveness of statistics provision can be measured.