This paper is from Session 1H: President’s session: challenges and opportunities for statistics education and the IASE
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Friday 16th, 16:30-18:00)

Contexts and questions for statistics education and the IASE



As it is 125 years since the establishment of the ISI, approximately 60 years since the ISI Education Committee was set up, and almost 20 years since the IASE began in September 1991, it seems appropriate to consider where we are now and where we should or could go from here. Who is meant by “we” is one of the questions considered in this paper because it relates to the many contexts of statistics and of statistics education. It is also 15 years since Vere-Jones (1995) wrote his seminal paper “The coming of age of statistical education”, and many of the observations, issues and questions raised in that paper, provide both data and context for this paper.