This paper is from Session 1C: Evidence-based management
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which comes under Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)

The evidence-based management of learning: diagnosis and development of conceptual thinking with Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Objects (MERLO)




This paper discusses the management of learning for achieving deep understanding of concepts and techniques for the analysis of conceptual situations. Our goal is to to teach not only “how” but also “why”. Conceptual understanding is a critical component of evidence-based management. The paper presents Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Objects (MERLO), a novel methodology for evaluating and enhancing deep comprehension of the essence of multidimensional, complex conceptual situations, often embedded in mixed data-sets. We take a broad view of conceptual understanding and use training of applied statisticians, architecture students, and Continuous Medical Education programs as examples. The next sections provide background to the evidence based management of learning; an introduction to MERLO; a concept mapping of information quality (InfoQ); and discussion and directions for future research.