This paper is from Session 10G: One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned?
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)

One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned? Part 1: It’s not mathematics but real data in context


  • Neville Davies (RSS Centre for Statistical Education, United Kingdom)



In these two papers we review teaching statistics, statistical education and related outreach activities by a range of providers since the beginning of the last century. We discuss the extent and form of relevant published papers, books and conferences and give examples of where these have influenced teaching practice. In this part we show that by learning the lessons that (i) statistical and mathematical thinking are different and (ii) the goal of statistics of getting information from real data in context are both prerequisites for improving statistical literacy in people of all ages.