This paper is from Session 10F: Statistics education in South America
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

The impact of an instance of quaternary education




In Argentine Legislation it is considered that one of the basic functions of the University is the preparation of professionals and teachers who are able to act with efficiency according to both individual demands and national and regional requirements. To achieve this goal spaces for education at post-graduate level are provide with the objective of offering disciplinary and pedagogic preparation in the areas of Mathematics and Statistics. A method for providing this training for teachers of Mathematics called “Postgraduate Studies in Mathematics and Statistics” which was adopted at the National University of Rosario in 2003 is described. This program is intended for graduates at the tertiary level who work as teachers in the areas of Mathematics and Statistics at different levels of high school. The profile of the entrance beginners is described along with the impact that these post-graduate studies have in the development of Mathematics and Statistics.