This paper is from Session 10F: Statistics education in South America
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

Trajectory and prospects of statistics education in Brazil




This paper aims to present the trajectory and prospects of the movement for Statistics Education in Brazil from the historical-bibliographical research of the scientific production by 43 researchers belonging to the workgroup called GT12–Probability and Statistics Teaching. There is a growing trend in terms of quantity and quality of publications as well as advices for dissertation and thesis in post-graduate programs in Mathematical Education and related areas. However, this production is highly concentrated in twelve researchers, who were named as anchor researchers. Moreover, it is observed that the former advisees end up not working and not researching in this area. However, the outlook is promising, because GT12 is encouraged to expand collaborative and inter-institution research networks and has been promoting activities that boosted the movement.