This paper is from Session 10D: International projects that improve statistics education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

An international quantitative education initiative and its impact on statistics education



Several years ago the author established the annual INFORMS/IFORS International Teaching Colloquium series. In these workshops he collaborates with instructors from developing regions to co-organize teaching effectiveness colloquia. These colloquia, hosted by organizers of a conference in the region that is home to the instructors with whom the author collaborates, have been held in Montevideo (2006), Cape Town (2007), Cartagena (2008), and Jaipur (2009). Similar workshops are now being organized for Dakar, Nairobi, Melbourne, and Buenos Aires. The author will share what he has experienced in organizing these colloquia, focusing on what he now perceives to be the similarities and differences in how students from various cultures develop quantitative skills. He will also discuss how these colloquia help improve statistics education and encourage the enhancement of student’s statistical skills