This paper is from Session 10C: Statistics education in developing countries
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Opportunities, challenges and statistical cooperation in the implementation of a statistical literacy project in Mendoza, Argentina



Nowadays, in many countries, national statistical offices are developing projects to introduce citizens to data analysis methods which are useful to describe the real socio-economic situation in each country. The International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) has supported this kind of work around the world. Under the ISLP framework, the Government of Mendoza (Argentina) specialists have begun to develop a project called Statistics Literacy in Mendoza (AEM) which includes a Web Page with statistical tools to train citizens. This Web Page takes into account not only the needs of general potential users (like glossary, links to other related pages, stories) but also the needs of school curricula. In this paper we describe the motivation for the project , some consequences and difficulties found, the interaction with other institutions, its implementation, and new lines to develop in the future.