This paper is from Session 10A: Statistics teaching in the Asian context
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which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

The teaching of statistics in the Philippines: moving to a brighter future



If one needs to identify the birth of the teaching of statistics in the Philippines, one would recognize the year 1953 as the best choice. The Board of Directors of the professional association of statisticians in the country founded the Statistical Training Center to provide trainings for government statisticians. A year later, the association turned over the center to the state university, the University of the Philippines. It, thus, became a degree-granting center offering the first academic program in statistics in the Philippines. The paper provides the history of teaching statistics in the country from the early years, in the 1950s, to the current. It discusses the different challenges faced during various phases and the solutions done by various stakeholders. The paper ends with an optimistic view of the future.