Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

e-learning tools: evaluation and the role of the instructor



For any course at an educational institution, but especially for Statistics courses, it is imperative that an effective learning environment is developed.

In a classroom situation, the student is expected to prepare the topic well, to be supportive, ask and answer (critical) questions and encourage other students. The teacher’s role is to develop and maintain an effective learning environment that enables students to finish the course successfully. That does not only entail providing students with information on schedules, grading scales and organization of the course. Besides statistics books the teacher provides students with assignments, class exercises and other course materials in order to shape the students’ learning. E-learning tools play an increasingly important role in the use of course materials.

Providing an effective learning environment seems especially true for Statistics courses, seeing as learning statistics is considered to be a complex skill. Moreover, Statistics is a mandatory course in many educational institutions and students often show a certain degree of “statistics anxiety” when entering the course.

Questions addressed in this session could be:
  • To what extent can teachers use e-learning tools to help students shape their learning behaviour? What are examples of good practice in this respect?
  • To what extent can teachers use e-learning tools to visualize statistical problems differently, compared to standard didactical tools?
  • What frequency and duration is considered useful when teachers use e-learning tools in statistics courses?
  • What is the role of the teacher when e-learning tools are applied during statistics courses?
  • What is the added value of the use of e-learning tools in statistics courses? %How is the use of e-learning tools assessed compared to standard didactical tools?

The focus of this session lies on the role and responsibilities of the instructor when e-learning tools are applied in the classroom. (A discussion may be part of this session.)


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
9E1Using blended learning environments in teaching introductory statistics to a strong diversity of students: the role of background factorsDirk Tempelaar (The Netherlands)
Bart Rienties (The Netherlands)
Sybrand van der Loeff (The Netherlands)
Bas Giesbers (The Netherlands)
9E2Using simulations for active learning: the query-first method in practiceCamille Peres (United States)
David Lane (United States)
Katherine R Griggs (United States)
9E3KNOU mobile learning for innovation in statistics educationTae Rim Lee (Korea)
9E4Creating active learning in a large introductory statistics class using clicker technologyZenaida Mateo (Canada)