Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)

Evidence-based statistical practice



In medicine, evidence-based practice (EBP) is “the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values” (Institute of Medicine, 2001, p.147). Researchers and statistics educators should also be able to justify their chosen techniques by referring to research results. But what is the relevant evidence base for EBP in statistics, and statistics education? In this session we will discuss one important form of this evidence: that produced by research in statistical cognition. This seeks cognitive evidence that a statistical technique, form of presentation, or teaching approach communicates accurately with researchers, practitioners and students.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
8J1Integrating the normative (statistics), the descriptive (psychology), and the prescriptive (education) in statistical educationRuth Beyth-Marom (Israel)
8J2The influence of presentation on the interpretation of inferential resultsRink Hoekstra (The Netherlands)
Henk Kiers (The Netherlands)
Addie Johnson (The Netherlands)
8J3The role of external representations in understanding probabilistic conceptsPeter Sedlmeier (Germany)
8J4Understanding, teaching, and using p valuesGeoff Cumming (Australia)