Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)

Research on developing students’ statistical reasoning in primary and middle school



Recognizing the growing body of research in human reasoning, as well as recent interest in the nature of statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking, the two related sessions, Session 8A and Session 8B, will focus on research aimed at investigating the learning, development, and assessment of students’ statistical thinking and reasoning across different age groups. In Session 8A, the focus will be on the ways primary and middle school students learn to understand and use statistical key ideas, such as distribution, variability, sampling, and inference — to make sense of data.

Speakers in this session will report on their studies on developing students’ statistical thinking and reasoning. They will also reflect on theoretical and practical implications of their research, such as study designs, instructional practices, assessment, teacher education, and design of learning environments that promote the development of students’ statistical reasoning. Part of the session time will be allocated to discussions on the content and implications of the papers and the interrelations among them.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
8A1Developing primary students’ ability to pose questions in statistical investigationsSue Allmond (Australia)
Katie Makar (Australia)
8A2How students’ spontaneous use of statistical tools shapes their thinking about precisionRich Lehrer (United States)
Min-Joung Kim (United States)
Cliff Konold (United States)
8A3Emergence of reasoning about sampling among young students in the context of informal inferential reasoningEinat Gil (Israel)
Dani Ben-Zvi (Israel)
8A4Developing statistical reasoning facilitated by TinkerPlotsNoleine Fitzallen (Australia)
Jane Watson (Australia)