Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

The future of assessment in statistics education (panel discussion).



Assessment methods and procedures in statistics education should continuously be examined with the goal of improving and adapting them to changing educational goals, instructional methods, and available technologies. This session aims to explore possible futures of assessment in statistics education, combining a discussion by members of an expert panel with interactive audience participation. Sample questions that may be explored include: how to develop and put into routine use more valid and reliable assessments, how to better assess conceptual understanding and students’ ability to transfer learned skills and cope with everyday or workplace statistical and probability tasks, how to tailor assessments to diversified students and cope with variability in students’ communication skills, and more. This session does not aim to look at current best practices, as important as they are, but to explore future trends and upcoming changes and challenges, begin reflection on possible solutions, and examine new research and development needs.

Panel discussion

5G1Bruno de Sousa (Portugal)                                        
5G2Larry Weldon (Canada)                                        
5G3Jim Ridgway (United Kingdom)                                        
5G4Jessica Utts (United States)                                        
5G5Penelope Bidgood (United Kingdom)                                        
5G6Beth Chance (United States)                                        
5G7Iddo Gal (Israel)