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This is a session of Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

Joint ICMI/IASE study on statistics education in school mathematics: challenges for teaching and teacher education (panel discussion)



Since the mid-1980s, the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI, www.mathunion.org/ICMI/) has found it important to involve itself directly in the identification and investigation of issues or topics of particular significance to the theory or practice of contemporary mathematics education, and to invest an effort in mounting specific ICMI studies on these themes. Conversations between ICMI and the IASE made clear there was a common interest in organizing a Joint Study related to current problems in the teaching of statistics within school mathematics and the training of teachers responsible of the same. This interest arose from the fact that, in spite of recommendations to increase the presence of statistics teaching at the school level, students in these levels do not acquire an statistical literacy adequate to function in an information-based society and to progress in the study of statistics at higher levels such as university or professional training.

In this session we will analyze this Joint Study that merged with the 2008 IASE Round Table Conference and was held in 2008 at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores, Monterrey, Mexico. We will reflect on the international and local impact of the Study and will present an advance of the monograph that will be produced as a consequence of the Study.

Panel discussion

3H1Chris Reading (Australia)                                        
3H2Gail Burrill (United States)                                        
3H3Ernesto Sánchez (Mexico)                                        
3H4Allan Rossman (United States)