Contributed paper list

   (Friday 16th, 08:20-09:20)

Data processing and statistics in the Slovenian curriculum


Amalija Žakelj (Slovenia)


Besides the basic capabilities of reading, writing and calculating, also other capabilities of literacy are emphasised, such as information, statistic, digital, media, mathematical and other literacies which are important for acting in the society. In our article we are going to present certain views on information, statistical and data literacies as well as on the integration of the contents on data processing and statistic in the Slovenian curriculum. An individual is considered literate in information if he/she is capable of critical thinking about information, of assuming and argumentation, and of interpreting and evaluating information. An important component of the information literacy is statistical literacy, the capacity of critical thinking about the basics of the descriptive statistics. A special skill is analysis, interpretation and evaluation of statistics functioning as the evidence. Data literacy is the component of both literacies, which means the capacity of accessing, manipulating, merging and presenting data