Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 15th, 08:20-09:20)

Teaching strategies to promote statistical literacy: review and implementation


Svetlana Tishkovskaya, Gillian Lancaster


Svetlana Tishkovskaya (United Kingdom)


In the past few years statistics educators have emphasised the importance of statistical literacy in the statistics education reform movement. Many educational researchers argue that the topic of statistical literacy should be part of an introductory statistics course syllabus. This article gives an overview of useful techniques for developing a reform-based statistics course, underlining the place of statistical literacy in this framework. Summarised recommendations incorporate many innovations employed in a variety of successful statistics classes today. We suggest that introductory statistics courses, and in particular the statistical literacy component, will benefit from additional curricular material aimed at encouraging students to become informed and critically thinking consumers of statistical information, thereby promoting motivation to learn statistics. The directions and approaches to developing such curriculum material are discussed.