Contributed paper list

   (Tuesday 13th, 16:30-18:00)

Dissemination of good practice in teaching, learning and assessment of statistics in higher education


Nasrollah Saebi, Penelope Bidgood


Penelope Bidgood (United Kingdom)


The Association of Statistics Lecturers in Universities (ASLU) was founded in 1983 “to foster and support the development of statistical education”. This paper aims to demonstrate how this has been achieved through the Association’s regular conferences. These bring together teachers of statistics in HE institutions to highlight teaching, learning and assessment issues and how these respond to a changing student intake and the knowledge and skills required by employers. Speakers are invited from those lecturers who can demonstrate good practice or who have novel ideas in teaching, learning or assessment that may benefit ASLU’s members. Other presenters are those who can report on wider issues in statistical education such as funded research.