Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

E-learning of statistics in Africa


Ian Dale, Cary Clark, Roger Stern, Sandro Leidi, David Stern


Ian Dale (United Kingdom)


Some general conclusions are drawn from the experience of converting two face-to-face statistics courses into facilitated, part-time e-learning courses, and running them for several cohorts of African students. The 'Statistics in Applied Climatology' course is for National Meteorological Services staff who need to strengthen their statistical skills for the analysis of climatic data. Part of SIAC was turned into an e-learning course in 2005, and since then it has been completed by over 200 people from 29 African countries. The 'Statistics Made Simple' course was initially developed for UK science students starting a research degree, who have not yet successfully learned key statistical concepts. A number of MSc Statistics students in Kenya also participated: they appreciated both the learning approach and the course content. The success of the courses can be attributed to the enthusiasm and determination of the participants, the high-touch facilitation, and the good quality of the materials.