Contributed paper list

   (Friday 16th, 08:20-09:20)

A semiotic analysis of “Mônica’s random walk”: activity to teach basic concepts of probability


Tânia Gusmão, Eurivalda Santana, Irene Cazorla, José Cajaraville


Irene Cazorla (Brazil)


We analyzed the activity “Mônica’s random walk” in the learning environment of paper-and-pencil, which presents the basic concepts of probability. We use the onto-semiotic approach of cognition and mathematics instruction to study the types of mathematical objects (language, situations, concepts, procedures, propositions, properties and arguments), and the semiotic potential conflicts that may compromise the understanding and meaning of these concepts. The activity was implemented with 29 mathematics teachers in an in-service training program. The method adopted for this study was action research. The results showed the viability of the activity to contextualize such concepts. However, they indicate different semiotic conflicts, due to the teachers’ poor prior knowledge of probability, since many of them were seeing these concepts for the first time. These results imply rethinking of some of the assumptions, especially if we want to insert them into virtual learning environments, so that teachers can implement it with autonomy.