Contributed paper list

   (Tuesday 13th, 08:20-09:20)

Improving capacities of translation through an educational process


Carlos Carrión-Pérez, María Candelaria Espinel-Febles


Carlos Carrión-Pérez (Spain)


Capacities of translation between different statistical representations of data are essential to read and understand a graph. A questionnaire has been designed, using 12 items with multiple answers, grouped in four tasks where translations between text, tables and dots charts, histograms, bar charts, stem and leaf charts and boxes graphs take part. A number of 72 students of Primary Teacher Training have answered the test, before and after they have passed a process of Descriptive Statistics learning session, for approximately 12 hours. Results show little differences in capacities of translation in different tasks, but only some graphs show a bigger difficulty, although it gets reduced but do not disappear after the educational process has been done. The data has been analyzed using the Rasch methodology, the study shows that the order of difficulty of items doesn’t change after the process but, this analysis allows us to consider that students improve remarkably their knowledge and understanding.