This paper is from Session 1C: Evidence-based management
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which comes under Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)

Enhanced TESF methodology for course excellence




The need to achieve excellence in services provided by a University has been the object of study and research for several decades. Often, the focus is not only on the education service, but on several satellite services provided by a university. This article focuses on teaching where, according to the authors, improvement actions of an academic institution should always begin. The work describes a tool for measuring student perceptions of selected aspects of a course. This tool is part of the Teaching Experiment and Student Feedback (TESF) methodology previously developed by the authors. Here, the steps to build a student satisfaction coefficient are fully described and data collected in one specific course is analysed. The TESF methodology is in line with evidence-based management principles and helps statistics teachers make practical data driven decisions.