Deadlines for invited papers
Invited refereed papers | |
Submit final title | 31 March 2009 |
Submit final abstract | 31 August 2009 |
Submit final version of paper | 31 October 2009 |
Hear back from referees | 15 January 2010 |
Submit modified version | 31 January 2010 |
Invited non-refereed papers | |
Submit final title | 31 March 2009 |
Submit final abstract | 31 August 2009 |
Submit final version of paper | 31 January 2010 |
Deadlines for contributed papers
Contributed refereed papers | |
Submit abstract | 31 August 2009 |
Acceptance of abstract | 15 September 2009 |
Submit final version of paper | 31 October 2009 |
Hear back from referees | 15 January 2010 |
Modified version | 31 January 2010 |
Contributed non-refereed papers | |
Submit abstract | 30 November 2009 |
Acceptance of abstract | 15 December 2009 |
Submit final version of paper | 15 January 2010 |
Confirmation of acceptance | 31 January 2010 |

31 August 2006 | • IPC and Local Organizers appointed at ICOTS7
• Conference Theme, Dates and Venue set at ICOTS7 |
1 April 2007 | • Conference Theme expanded
• Discussion of Topics and Topic Convenors |
1 July 2007 | • Topic Convenors appointed |
1 August 2007 | • Write to all Topic Convenors requesting contact information and advising the complete list of Topics and Topic Convenors |
29 August 2007 | • IPC Planning Meeting in Lisbon |
3 September 2007 | • Meeting in Slovenia, Chair IPC and LOC. (Preliminary review of budget, web site, conference venue including number of parallel sessions possible and accommodation) |
1 November 2007 | • Preliminary Announcement in Newsletters (Call for contributions): IASE Newsletter, ISI Review, SERJ, Electronic statistics lists, various web pages, ICOTS7 Participants, National Correspondents |
1 December 2007 | • Topic Convenors submit abstracts |
1 February 2008 | • Topic Convenors submit session topics and organizers
• Preliminary local details supplied • Keynote Speakers invited • Information placed on website |
1 May 2008 | • Draft budget circulated |
1 June 2008 | • Session topics and organizers in place (approved by IPC)
• Convenors formally invite and instruct session organizers |
4 July 2008 | • Information meeting for IPC Committee Members present at ICME in Mexico |
15 July 2008 | • Session Organizers submit contact information to IPC Information Manager |
15 August 2008 | • First Announcement: Lists of Topics, sessions and organizers, expanded theme, keynote names
• Marketing (Sponsors, statistical associations, correspondents) • Session Organizers submit session abstracts (less than 300 words) to Topic Convenors and the IPC Executive |
30 November 2008 | • Session Organizers submit list of invited speakers to Topic Convenors and IPC Executive
• LOC update and budget discussion with IASE Executive |
15 December 2008 | • Submission of keynote abstracts
• IPC Executive prepares a list of invited speakers for the IPC |
15 January 2009 | • IPC members approve the invited speakers list and return it to the Session Organizers
• IPC Executive provides a sample invitation letter for speakers |
31 January 2009 | • Session organizers formally invite the speakers |
31 March 2009 | • Invited speakers submit a final title to Session Organizers. |
15 April 2009 | • Session Organizers submit titles to their Topic Convenors who send them to the IPC Executive. |
30 April 2009 | • IPC Executive makes the coordinated list available to IPC and information is placed on web site
• Budget approved and registration fee set |
16-22 August 2009 | • IPC committee meeting Durban during ISI |
31 August 2009 | • Invited speakers submit draft version of their paper including final abstract (less than 150 words) to Session Organizers
• Draft timetable available for invited speakers • Authors of contributed papers to be refereed submit abstract (less than 150 words) to the Contributed Paper convenors |
15 September 2009 | • Acceptance of abstracts for refereed contributed papers. |
30 September 2009 | • Second announcement available (includes lists of Invited Paper session titles and authors, local details, keynote speakers and their abstracts, general timetable and detail about registration procedure including dates, registration fee and accommodation. |
31 October 2009 | • Invited speakers who want their paper to be refereed submit final manuscript to their Session Organizers who submit it to the Editor of the Proceedings after checking formatting requirements.
• Contributed paper speakers who want their paper refereed submit final version to the Contributed Paper convenors who send it to the Editor of the Proceedings. |
30 November 2009 | • Authors of non-refereed contributed papers who have not contacted the Contributed Paper convenors before submit an abstract to these convenors |
15 December 2009 | • Referees return comments to Editor of Proceedings
• Acceptance of abstract for non-refereed contributed papers |
15 January 2010 | • Editors will contact authors with the results of the refereeing process
• Submission of final version of non-refereed contributed papers |
31 January 2010 | • Submission of abstracts for demonstrations, forums and special sessions
• Notification of acceptance of contributed non-refereed papers. • Final version of refereed papers to be submitted to Editor of Proceedings • Submission of final version of non-refereed invited papers |
15 February 2010 | • Submission of poster abstracts |
15 March 2010 | • Poster abstracts finalised |
31 March 2010 | • Detailed timetable and scientific programme is announced |
11-16 July 2010 | • ICOTS8 |