At this stage, the list of “participants” reflects people that are connected in some way with the conference. Once registrations start, it will correspond more correctly with actual participants.
Choose start of surname:
Ab Ad Ag Ai Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Ar As Av Ba Be Bi Bj Bl Bo BrBu Ca Ch Ci Cl Co Cr Cs Cu D Da De Di Do Dr Du Ei En Er Es
Et Fa Fe Fi Fl Fo Fr Fu Ga Ge Gi Go Gr Gu Ha He Hi Ho Hu Hw
Hy Im In Is Ja Ji Jo Ju Ka Ke Ki Kl Km Ko Kr Ku La Le Li Lo
Lu Ma Mc Me Mi Mk Mo Mu Na Ni No Nt Nu O Of Og Ol Om Op Or
Ot Ow Pa Pe Pf Ph Pi Po Pr Pu Ra Re Ri Ro Ru Ry Sa Sc Se Sg
Sh Si Sj Sl Sm So Sp Sr St Su Sv Ta Te Th Ti To Tr Ut Va Ve
Vi Vl Vo Vu Wa We Wi Wu Ya Ye Yo Za Ze Zi Zn Zo Zw
Others in this part of the alphabet:
Maria Cláudia C GrácioKoeno Gravemeijer
David Green
Vincent Grenon
David Griffiths
Katherine R Griggs
Name: | Bogdan Grmek |
Country: | Slovenia |
Email: | bogdan.grmek@gov.si |
Webpage: | |
Affiliation: | Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia |
Committees: | Local organising committee |
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