11th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
11–16 September 2022
Rosario, Argentina

Topic 9

Teaching Statistics Online



Teaching Statistics Online provides a viable means to empowering and educating today’s learners of statistics through the affordances of internet technology. Topic 9 aims to provide the opportunity to present experiences and studies pertaining to teaching Statistics through virtual platforms whether they are planned courses in any level of formal education systems or through short courses and workshops on varied statistical topics for building statistical capacity of citizens and professionals in the workplace.

Never in the past few decades did online education present such opportunities as those that have become obvious ever since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic. Topic 9 possesses the potential to accommodate a variety of papers communicating experiences of online teaching before and during the pandemic encompassing formal distance education, remote teaching and learning, blended learning or fully online using learning management systems or a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning platforms. It also includes the professional development of statistics teachers using online learning environments, their advantages and challenges, as well as technology platforms, course design and models for teaching statistics online. The challenges of online assessments and the opportunity of international collaborations in teaching statistics online are also interesting and important points of discussion.

The sessions of Topic 9 will seek to address gaps in theory and practice in Teaching Statistics online through a mix of oral paper presentations and panel discussions, particularly on challenges faced by academicians living and working in developing countries in connection with online teaching of statistics. Some sessions will also examine innovations in the way the technology of online teaching can impact in teaching and learning process.