11th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
11–16 September 2022
Rosario, Argentina

Topic 14

Contributed Papers



Research on teaching and learning of statistics continues its growing trend of providing a venue for promoting discussion on a variety of perspectives related to the development of statistical thinking. The topic of Contributed Papers is intended to promote relatively little discussed areas in current research in statistics education. In order to meet this aim, we have identified the following sub-themes.

  • Statistics and the pandemic. How do statistics contribute to students' understanding of some aspects of the pandemic?
  • Theories and conceptual frameworks for the development of statistics teaching and learning. What theories or frameworks are fertile in promoting and explaining empirical observations about the teaching and learning of statistics?
  • Statistics and gender. How can statistics contribute to the struggles for gender equality?
  • The teaching and learning of Bayesian statistics and subjective probability. Why is the study of Bayesian statistics and the subjective approach to probability almost absent at different school levels?
  • Statistics is different from Mathematics, but they are not opposite nor mutually exclusive. What are the central ideas of the relationships between statistical thinking and mathematical thinking?

Papers that address these sub themes or that may represent a complex combination of multiple topics are welcome and also those that fall outside, but within the scholarly works, that might not fit within the 13 specific Main Topics.