11th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
11–16 September 2022
Rosario, Argentina

Topic 13

Statistics Communication and Dissemination: Importance and Practice



Communication has been an important component of professional practice since humans started to work together. With the advance of technology and internet-based communication, communication is important more than ever where facts are communicated based on evidence. These days statistical information has become widely used; therefore, it is crucial to communicate statistics and model the results to relevant audiences in a way that they understand the facts, since in many cases a misreading of them can lead to improper use of the information.

As educators of statistics and data science, we would like to learn from each other’s experiences, strategies and reflections of how we teach statistics communication in our classrooms and practice statistics communication in our own daily lives. For example: How can we introduce an interest in our students in statistics? How can we help prepare students to be better communicators of statistical information? How can we use different modalities — tables, data visualizations, infographics, comics, theatre, games, etc. — to communicate statistical information? What kind of software do you use for your classes?

We are interested in papers or presentations on writing about data; using visual tools such as tables, graphs, infographics; maps to communicate facts based on data, improving probabilistic understanding of the general public with communicating authentic problems and their solutions such as COVID-19 infections or vaccinations during the pandemic in different countries and identifying improvement for UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by communicating possibilities based on publicly available data.