Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

International projects that improve statistics education



The importance of building an evidence-based society is universal, and consequently the need for increased teaching and learning of statistics knows no boundaries. Through evidence-based decision-making, people everywhere would be better able to solve the world’s problems.

Using a roundtable discussion format, this session will examine the most notable current international programs promoting statistics education and will consider ideas for new programs. A representative from four projects will highlight each project’s goals, methodology and accomplishments:
  • Census-at-School,
  • International Statistical Literacy Project,
  • Educational Ambassador Program, and
  • Statistics Study Abroad Program.
Session participants will discuss how to increase the reach of these current programs and how to encourage development of new programs. In particular, participants will identify specific problems and barriers to improving statistics education internationally, and they will suggest possible approaches to addressing those issues. As examples, such new programs might include international projects for:
  • faculty and student exchanges,
  • textbook donations, and
  • expansion of electronic resources for teaching statistics.
Measures of effectiveness will be discussed also along with appropriate program evaluation techniques that could foster improvements in statistics education worldwide.

In addition during this session, participants will formulate recommendations to be presented to the international statistics education community through the International Association for Statistical Education and other relevant societies. Participants will also identify how they can contribute personally to enhancing the reach and effectiveness of international statistics education programs, and will commit to taking professional action.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
10D1Developing a statistical learning environment: Japanese CensusAtSchool projectKazuhiro Aoyama (Japan)
10D2The International Statistical Literacy ProjectPedro Campos (Portugal)
Sharleen Forbes (New Zealand)
Reija Helenius (Finland)
10D3The ISIbalo projectPali Jobo Lehohla (South Africa)
10D4An international quantitative education initiative and its impact on statistics educationJames Cochran (United States)