Contributed paper list

(Wednesday 14th, 08:20-09:20)
Statstutor: an on-line statistics learning and teaching resource
Alun Owen, David Green, Moira Petrie, Neville Davies, John Marriott
Alun Owen (United Kingdom)
Statstutor is an on-line statistics learning and teaching resource, being developed by the sigma Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Loughborough and Coventry Universities, in collaboration with the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistics Education. It differs from existing on-line resources, focusing on the practical application of statistics using both a topic based approach for learning, as well as opportunities for learning through a problem solving approach using case studies. It combines video, paper-based and other electronic media into one environment. It is a pilot project which will form part of the mathcentre family of on-line mathematics resources ( This paper describes the project’s development, and lists the resources that are available. We hope the paper will motivate discussion of our approach and the content of statstutor and, in turn, help to inform us about directions we should take for post-pilot developments of the resource.