Contributed paper list

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)
The growing role of computers for teaching statistics in Kenya
Parin Kurji, Brigid McDermott, David Stern, Roger Stern
Parin Kurji (Kenya)
Until recently, the teaching of statistics in East Africa has been a traditional chalk-and-talk affair. In the last few years computers have become more widely accessible. At the same time many statistical resources of the highest quality are freely available for Africa, including Computer- Assisted Statistics Textbooks (CAST), an electronic textbook, GenStat Discovery Edition, (a statistics package), and training resources such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Training Pack DVD prepared by Statistics Services Centre (SSC) , Reading University. This means that change is not only possible but is within reach of lecturers all over Africa. Experiences at two Kenyan universities are described. Initiatives for undergraduates and postgraduates in both service teaching and specialist teaching of statistics are discussed.